1722 E. 8th Street

Ontario, CA 91764

(909) 982-2301

Office Line

Office Hours

Mon - Thurs 9 am - 4 pm
Fri 9 am - 12 pm

Eagles Nest – Dec 2023

Dates to Remember:

Dec. 7th: NO SCHOOL
Knott’s Field Trip

Dec. 14th: Minimum Day 
Christmas Concert Rehearsal (8am-12pm)

Dec. 14th: Christmas Concert (6pm-8pm)

Dec. 21st: Minimum Day
Class Christmas Parties

Dec. 22nd – Jan. 7th: Christmas Break

Jan. 8th: Classes Resume

Dear SACS Family,

The end of the year is fast approaching. In looking back at November, I am reminded of all that we have to be thankful for. I am thankful for the men and women who serve our country to ensure our freedom that allow us the opportunity to work with each of you to provide a quality Christian education for your children. Parent-Teacher Conferences were a success, and I appreciate the extra time you took out of your schedule to come discuss your child’s progress. It was fun to celebrate them, and if necessary, to put into place a plan for them to move forward with greater success. It warmed my heart to be part of our Friendsgiving Luncheon on November 17th before school let out for the holiday break. Please enjoy the pictures below.

December, probably more than any other month, can bring varied reactions. Some are excited to have a break and spend time with family and friends, some are stressed over things that need to be done, perhaps family gatherings that they may not be looking forward to, or the financial burdens of the end of the year. I challenge you to look forward with hope to a bright future, one that includes spending eternity with our Savior. In the meantime, take Him up on his offer for you to lay your burdens at His feet, for He will take care of you.

Our current enrollment is 58 students. We still have room to grow and invite everyone to share information about our school. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SanAntonioChristianSchool!

Please take note of the activities this month. I wouldn’t want anyone to be left out! Thank you for your continued support and prayers as together we minister to our children.


Karen Dunbar, Principal


Attention Everyone!

We NEED you! Sunday, December 10th is our first Work Bee of the year. We need people willing to help in the classrooms as well as in the yard! The classrooms need some TLC, so if you have a favorite cleaning supply you like to use, bring it along with you. If you prefer to work outside, we need people willing to help get our baseball diamond ready for students to use, so bring shovels and rakes. Thank you for your time and commitment to SACS!


Please join us for our Annual SACS Food Drive. Bring non-perishable food items to school anytime between December 4 and December 20. The class with the most items will win a prize! Let’s bless others by helping feed those in need during Christmas.


Monday, December 4: Pizza

Wednesday, December 6: Quesadillas

Monday, December 11: Pizza

Wednesday, December 13: Burgers

Monday, December 18: Pizza

Wednesday, December 20: Burritos

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