Dates to Remember:
Feb. 5: Vision Testing
Feb. 6: SECC In-Service — Minimum Day
Feb. 7: Donuts for Dads 7:30 am – 8 am
Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day Class Parties
Feb. 17: Presidents Day — No School
Feb. 18-21: ASB Week of Prayer
Feb. 20: Roller Skating Trip (ASB)
Feb. 21: ASB Vespers 5 pm – 8 pm
Feb. 27: Talent Show Auditions
Dear SACS Family,
This year has already been full of learning experiences and excitement! Students have been hard at work and most have finished MAP testing! We also celebrated with students as they received their awards at the award ceremony. Thank you to those who made time to come celebrate with us. TK-2nd grade were blessed to watch as 3-5th grade made their social studies presentations and all students TK-8 have been working with Mr. Malik on songs for their performance on February 8th at Fontana SDA Church. Please join us!
Stay tuned and support the ASB! They will be sending out a flyer with Valentine choices! Choose to purchase one or many! All proceeds go toward school field trips!
There are all kinds of activities this February! Below you will find the calendar of events!
Many Blessings!
Karen Dunbar, Principal

Monday, February 3: Pizza
Wednesday, February 5: Quesadillas
Monday, February 10: Pizza
Wednesday, February 12: Haystacks
Wednesday, February 19: Spaghetti
Monday, February 24: Pizza
Wednesday, February 26: TBD

Use your weekly grocery receipts to help earn funds for SACS.
- Simply download the Box Tops for Education app on you smart phone.
- Find a School: select “San Antonio Christian School”.
- Complete your profile account with referral code: Z9Z40U6Q.
- Scan and submit your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
- Earn points!